One idea is, to limit the activities of so-called black sheeps. If you organize the exchange of donations inside a group, you will meet sometimes poeple always taking the donations but never returning donations to the group. After a while the other group members are sad about those people and they dont trust the system behind. anyFREE is thinking of a social currency in a cloud. Whenever a new account is defined, the account get a credit of some units of this social currency.

If a member becomes passenger in a trip, the donation of the trip goes to this passenger, one unit of the currency goes to the driver. As musicians often act, this payment should be applied from the driver after 50% of the distance of the trip (easy to handle by app). This transfer must be organized by driver and passenger, because only these two members are able to verify, that the donation of the driver was taken by the passenger.
There are people who have money and people who are rich. Coco Chanel

This virtual currency is not a money at all through the backdoor. Equal if it is a little trip or a big trip, a travel by car, motorbike or by using a job ticket at the weekend, its one unit of the currency which increased the accound of the driver and reduced the account of the passenger. If a driver offer 3 seats from Cologne to Hamburg, and two passengers joined the trip, the driver will get two currency units – one from both passengers – increasing his account.
All these transactions are inside the cloud. This cloud establish a strong balance between quantity of members and units of the currency. The anyFREE cloud is the social cloud of reputation. Every new member will be wellcomed with some units – as a symbol of trust of the members of anyFREE, inside this social cloud.
For sure there are some very honorable members, offering all the time trips to favorite locations. Such a member will increase his account more and more and maybe he doesnt need to take other donations, which means, he did not transfer units to other members. In that case he is able to reject the currency unit from the passenger on the travel.
A good question from a friend: If you implement this currency to limit black sheeps, how you will motivate the people to transfer real money into your currency?
My answer: because the value of the anyFREE currency is social reputation. Whenever the account balance of a person is higher than the average over all members, everybody knows: this person like to donate. Therefor we should publish the balance of the driver – if the donation is a put – and of the passenger – if it is a call for a donation of a trip.
A good reputation is more valuable than money. Publilius Syrus